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Bangalore based consultancy firm engaged in Accounting, Payroll, Income-Tax, Sales Tax, Service Tax, DGFT, import, export licensing, setting up of 100% EOU’s, STPI’s. Handling matters related to, Central Excise, Customs and much more.
Accounting and other business support services
Sales Tax and Entry Tax
Foreign Trade
100% EOU and STPI
Central Excise and Service Tax
Legal Metrology (Weights & Measurements) - MRP Label Consultants

100% EOU Consultants

We also guide people on setting up of Export Oriented Units (EOU). The consultancy services in this domain includes:

Consultancy on EOU.
Registration of Units under Export Oriented Unit Scheme
Preparation of Application for setting up of EOU under STPI/EHTP
Obtaining LOI from Development Commissioner
Obtaining LOP from the Director of STPI
Obtaining In bond manufacturing Licence under Sec 65 of the Customs Act, 1962.
Obtaining warehousing licence under section 58 of the Customs Act, 1962.
Bonding of the Premises by the Customs department
Execution of B/17 bond with Customs department
Handling all customs related matter with respect to import and export of the goods by the EOU Unit.
Submission of monthly/quarterly/yearly returns to the concerned department.
Guiding in preparing the softex from and submission of the same to the concerned department.
DTA Sales permission from STPI & Customs department
Obtaining CT3 Certificate
Reimbursement of CST from the concerned department
De-bonding the goods by the customs authorities
De-bonding the premises by the customs authorities



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